Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The end of a very busy year!


Okay, so the entries toward the end of the year were not as regular as intended. Let us blame it on the all the tasks that needed to be finished before jumping into 2009! 2009 will have its own set of fast paced challenges! We (our local photographic society) decided to host a photographic course during 2009 and quite a chunk of my time is currently going towards preparing for this course.

The aim of the course is to help our new members to understand the basics of digital photography. It will start with typical camera / photo techniques (with special emphasis on understanding your digital camera) , through very important topics such as photo composition and will end with a good basis of digital darkroom techniques. We plan to present the course over a nine month period with ample practical exercises and "tests". The final task will be the preparation of a panel of photos to be entered as an application for licentiate honours holder of the PSSA (Photographic Society of South Africa (see

In preparation for the course I took the following series of photos to show the influence of shutter speed on a typical nature scene when trying to capture the flow of water (I made a mistake to use auto white balance during the capture of this series, hence the difference in colour – maybe I need to attend the course myself!).