Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Fence


I've been in the fortunate position to create one of those coffee table photo books for myself. (I will review the process of creating such a book at some other time).  When I started off, I was quite convinced that I will need to add quite a number of pages to the book to make space for all my good photos.  This turned out to be quite a misconception on my side.  Selecting enough photos to fill 36 30cm x 30cm pages with your own photos is not as easy as one would expect!

The nice thing about this exercise was that I had to find the time to look at my digital archive of the pas 9 years.  Eventually I decided to stick to the new millennium, and as a result I decided to name the book "Phosgraphis - Painting with light (and manipulating a few pixels) 2000 - 2007".

This photo, called "The Fence" was taken about 3 years ago on a photographic weekend trip together with some of my local photo club friends.  I used a very shallow depth of field (F5.6) and focus on the fence to throw the sheep in the background totally out of focus, with just enough detail to recognized their shapes.