Solution: design, develop and publish a web site! It all happened over a weekend. For most of the site I used the Simpleviewer free flash viewer from airtightinteractive. It is really a great product and very easy to use: All you have to do, is to crop your photos to a desired size, create a thumbnail for each photo, create an XML document which describes the display order and format, and upload it to your website! This is really all there is to it!
The only extra I added was a front page with a menu to navigate to the different photo themes. I ended up with the following themes:
- Anaglyph (yes I am mad about 3D photography!)
- Portraits
- Travel
- Landscapes
- Creative
I used one of my creative photos called "The Masks" for the front page. I used the same photo on the back of my business cards. (Visit my new site here)